Wednesday, January 04, 2006

5 weird things about me

Its a meme, from the Library Lady.

1. I have double-jointed fingers that no one else in my family has. I'm proud..hee.hee to say that Cole has inherited this strange trait along with my sweaty hands and need to take his shoes off as soon as he gets home (the need to be unclothed however...DOES NOT come from me ;-) )

2. I have never done drugs of ANY kind EVER. I haven't even just puffed... "but not inhaled" (hello Bill Clinton....and Mom, tsk, tsk) and I have only been drunk once in my entire life.

3. I have one strange hair that grows in coarse and curly (oooh, yuck) on the left underside of my head. I will obsess until I search and destroy this hair. Ever tried to cut a single hair from the back of your head? Not fun, my friends, nor easy. But the hair must be defeated.

4. I was pigeon-toed as a child and had to wear corrective shoes and am still "knocked kneed" till this day. Nuf said.

5. I have a secret fear that despite the fact that my world revolves around Cole one day he will break my heart and want to go live with his dad. I know this is probably unlikely but I can't stop thinking about it and hello...he is only 3. Just another thing to the things that keep me up at night.

I herby infect Kathryn, Mom, Leah, Jill, Molly.

1 comment:

Vetmommy said...

Hey, you responded to that FAST! I did not know any of those facts about you. I don't think you'll ever have to worry about #5, except when he's a teenager he might make an empty threat.

The weird hair and sweaty hands, however, you should definitely fear! Ha ha, thanks for participating.