Sunday, October 25, 2009

Because you asked

I haven't blogged in a long time....why...not much non-depressing things to blog about. But here is something exciting. Cole completed his 1st triathlon this morning!

This is a huge feet considering that at the beginning of the summer he couldn't even ride a bike. He has become addicted and we've enjoyed going on bike rides together, making more confident riders out of the both of us. He also LOVES to swim and wants to join the swim team at our gym, but right now his/my busy schedule just don't allow that.

Last month, vetmommy let us know about a kids tri coming up. Cole was so excited and we signed him up. I knew the bike distance for the race wouldn't be that big of a deal for him (2.4 miles) because we've been routinely doing 9 miles. The swim for his age group was 200 meters (4 lengths of the pool) and the run was .6 miles which I figured he could walk if needed.

We had to get up VERY early this morning to head up the the race site. Cole wasn't nervous at all. He had a great time setting up his gear, getting his body marked, etc. He was in the last wave of the morning and from arrival to start time we had about 2 hours and 45 minutes of wait time. Luckily I brought chairs and a blanket. It was so COLD. We sat in our chairs and he played his DS without a care in the world. There were two Olympic gold medalist (Ian Crocker and Garrett Webber-Gale) and he got to get autographs and hold their medals, which was very cool.

Finally it was race time. I was cried as he walked in with the other athletes and then again when he jumped into the water. He did so GREAT! After the swim he headed to the transition area. His age group had to go alone, luckily since we were one of the 1st to arrive he had a great location and I could stand right next to the fence to cheer him on, while he got ready to head out for the bike ride. I wasn't sure how comfortable he'd feel on his bike with so many other kiddos around. But once he was passed the line to get on, he hoped on and took off, yelling "On your left", several times breezing by kids. After he turned the corner, we couldn't see him anymore. That's when I was the most anxious..hoping he was okay and wouldn't fall. He had to do the bike loop twice and was grinning ear to ear as he came around again, styling in his bike helmet and sunglasses. Once he completed the bike leg he jumped off, ran into transition threw off his helmet and took off running. I was so impressed with him.

Mostly I was worried that if people passed him, he'd panic or want to give up. Especially while swimming. Luckily, the started his age group 15 seconds apart and no one passed him during the swimming leg. He did great and seemed thrilled with himself which was the most important thing and he never gave up. It was such a great feeling to finally see him feel good about himself.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day 5

Cole just completed his 5th day of 2nd grade and I have already shed tears. This time though they were tears of happiness and relief.

Last year wasn't that great for him. There were tears on both of our parts at various times throughout the year. Some of you have heard the stories, they are too long to repeat. He still loved his teacher and her and I had a great relationship by the end of the year. In fact, she lobbied hard to get me a job at his school, before they installed the dreaded hiring freeze. But overall, not a good year.

On Thursday, I went up to the school and ate lunch with Cole. After lunch they have recess. During recess, I mentioned to his new teacher that he didn't have a great year last year and she was welcome to contact me at anytime if she had any concerns. She said that he'd been great and she could tell he was very bright and participated in class and had a lot to offer.

Friday morning I walked him to class to help him carry some donations for the Art teacher. His teacher saw me and said, "Can I speak to you for a moment?" Ahhhh...those words I dreaded to hear. We went to a quiet corner of the room and she said she had thought about what I said about him not having a great year, all night long. She couldn't get over it. She stressed how important it was at kids of this age to love school and wanted to put my anxiety at rest. She went on and on about Cole's strengths and how well spoken and learned he is. About how she can tell he has had a lot of life experiences and can relate that to class discussions. She addressed how, yes he does move around in his seat, but how that is so normal for his age and how she can continue to address this positively in class. She said that even when he doesn't appear to be paying attention, he is and can restate almost verbatim what she said. She continued to say lots of positive things about him. Of course, me being me, I got teary eyed. I explained how that I would do anything to support him and her.

I just feel so good about this year. We have worked hard together all summer and his confidence about school has improved. She seems to have a great relationship him already and I look forward to working with her too.

In other news: I start my 5 week sub job tomorrow. Yipee! The teacher is very sweet and has given me free reign. She said just to pretend that it is my class and that is what I intend to do! Wish me luck.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back to School

1st day of 2nd grade

I can hardly believe that Cole starts 2nd grade tomorrow. As I've mentioned before I was lucky enough to spend the summer with him. I really enjoyed the time we spend together and I'm actually sad that the summer is already over. I'm nervous about this year, too. He didn't have a great year last year and I'm hoping that this year will be better. We worked hard all summer and he is excited about the new year. He didn't get the teacher I wanted him to have, but he didn't get the one I knew I didn't want, so that's okay. Actually, I have heard good things about his teacher and she seems great and his 1st grade teacher thinks he'll do great in her class.

It is hard being a parent sometimes. You want their road to be smooth and have no bumps, which of course isn't realistic. I know that having trials and errors is what helps him grow as an individual. However, I can't help wishing I had a magic wand to pave a clear road for him (if I did, I might wave it a time or two over my own road...LOL)!

I hope this school year brings great the both of us.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Down Again

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down

Do you remember those song lyrics? Lately, I feel like they are the anthem to my life. Well, I've been knocked down again.

A few weeks ago, a friend called me. She graduated with me and subbed in an adjacent school district. She was lucky and found a job. A teacher from another school called her for a long-term sub job to cover her maternity leave. Since, she is now employed, she recommended me instead. I spoke with the teacher at length. The job was to begin the week before the start of school and until the 2nd week of October. Since, full-time positions are basically non-existent I agreed, even though it would be a long drive for me. I was excited for the opportunity. The only problem was that I am not already a sub in that district. She said that she would notify her principal and they could see what they could do. In the meantime, I got a move on contacting on the sub coordinator with my fingerprint info and certificate.

A few days later, the principal emailed me and said that she would like me to go to training for two days this coming week. This would be unpaid, but a great opportunity to get familiar with the school and the team. So even though, this meant that I would have to not only find and pay for daycare for Cole for those two days, but my friend would have to make arrangements for her three boys that I'm watching. But, still worth it for the opportunity, so I agreed.

Then Monday night the principal emailed me to say that they had spoken with the sub coordinator and I would have to wait to sub until after sub orientation which isn't until the Friday after school starts. She said that they might have to look for someone that was already a sub to make it easier on the kiddos.

Then Tuesday, the teacher emailed me saying everything is a go. She still wanted me for the two days next week and I would come to meet the parents. There would be a sub for the 1st week and I would start on the 2nd week.

So today I stopped by Cole's old daycare to pick-up paperwork to fill out, so I could drop him off those two days next week. Everyone, came out to say hi and give Cole lovin'. One of the girls working there this summer is my friend. She graduated the semester before me and is still looking for a teaching position. We were sharing our miseries looking for positions in this economy and I mentioned the long-term sub job. She said she got one too. We were even more excited when we found out it was the same school. Then she asked what grade and teacher and imagine our surprise when it was the same teacher!

It seems they called her Monday, since she was already a sub in that district. This makes Tuesday's email even weirder. So, I assume they have gone with her which I completely understand since she can start right away. But it would have been nice to know, especially since I'm busting my butt to make child care arrangements and get established in that district. I've emailed the teacher and the principal to find out for sure, but have had no reply (neither has my friend). How ironic, that it was the two of us for the same job and we would find out. So frustrating. So I am back to square one with nothing lined up and a dismal future ahead. Sigh!

Today I got an email from the teacher saying that she wants me. So I am back "in". What a rollercoaster.

Friday, July 10, 2009

On not blogging

Okay, as Leah pointed out I haven't blogged in awhile. I feel like I am at a real low point and am trying to hope for a brighter future. I feel like I struggled and sacrificed a lot to put myself through school and now I feel like it was for nothing. I wanted to change our lives and I have, but not for the better. There are very few teaching jobs and the largest school district in the area is now on a hiring freeze which will only flood the existing school districts. I have literally spent hundreds of dollars in ink cartridges, resume paper, stamps, etc. preparing for job fairs and sending resumes to schools. The job fairs are depressing. They speak to you for literally seconds and add your resume to a 1' tall stack of resumes (and that is no exaggeration). I have to check the various school district websites daily and if there are any openings, I email, send a resume, and a follow-up email and have never even received a call back or reply. The market is that flooded. I have took an extra certification test so that I can teach English as a second language learners, but that hasn't helped. I can take other certification tests but it costs several hundred dollars per test and then about another $200 for study guides and licenses. Right now, I feel like that is a waste.

For the most part all my friends from school are in the same boat. Plus, I know that people all over this country are jobless and probably much worse off than me. I feel so inadequate though. Cole and I need a change and a move. It's time...way past time for us to be on our own. I am stagnating. So please, please, economy get better and fast.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Budding Songwriter

Several weeks ago Cole and I were at dinner. Suddenly he asked me for a pen. He was thinking of a song and wanted to write in down. He grabbed a napkin and wrote out the lyrics. He came home and typed it up in Word and grabbed his guitar and sang it to me in both a soft version and rock..must say I loved the rock! Here is his first song.


Bolts of Thunder
Lights of Thunder
Punch of Thunder
Kicks of Thunder
Knock of Thunder
Knock out of Thunder
Duck of Thunder
Wind of Thunder
Wings of Thunder
Dance of Thunder
Prance of Thunder
Jump of Thunder
Flower of Thunder
Crack! Boom!

My nephew was born the other night. Cole came home and wrote him a song. Here it is:

Oh My Dear Baby

Oh my dear baby
Oh you're so cute
I'm glad you were born
Oh I am so happy
When you are 7, I will be 14
I love you!

Then last night he wrote my dad a song for Father's Day:

Monte Come Back

Why did you leave me?
Oh! Please come back!
Oh, how much joy it is to have you by my side
Monte come back, Monte come back, Monte come back

Oh why did you leave your tighty whities on the floor?
I don't want to see you without your shirt, shut the door
Why don't you come to the gym anymore?
Monte come back, Monte come back, Monte come back

Why don't you bring me golfing anymore?
We shouldn't argue at dinner.
Please don't eat pie without your pants on!
Monte come back, Monte come back, Monte come back

This one has been my favorite so far! As for the eating the pie in the nude? Yeah, my dad really did that. A few mornings ago, Cole and I left and then I remembered I'd left my phone at home. So we turned around. When I walked in, jokingly I yelled out "hope you are dressed" and a sheepish voice yelled from the kitchen, "Actually I'm not. I'm eating pie in the kitchen!" Yuck, thank goodness my phone was in the other direction!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

A Gift

I realized the other morning that this summer will be the most consistant time that Cole and I have spent together since maternity leave...and he is now 7!!!! When he was younger he was in day-care all day and last year during Kinder I had to work during the summer so he was also at a day-care camp. This summer I am watching my friend's 3 boys which allows me to have Cole. This is such an amazing gift for me. I really am going to enjoy the time together and with 4 boys will probably have boy overload to boot! LOL.

To start off our first day Cole and I went to a waterpark together. We had a great time. The weather was perfect and the park wasn't crowded which meant we could speed through the lines and ride most rides twice. Despite the headache I woke up with and couldn't get rid of, we had a blast!

On Friday, we spent the 1st day with the kiddos. Cole had a great time and was disappointed that we weren't going to see them on Saturday. We went to the pool, played kickball, chase, tag, and hide-and-seek. I joined in too. Although I did manage to pull my hamstring which isn't great considering I am partcipating in a triathlon tomorrow. Oh, well. Bengay and Tylenol are helping some.

Next week all the boys are in the same basketball camp and then I am sure we will spend more time at the pool and having fun.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Perfect Day

Mother's Day was perfect. The day started with Cole bringing me breakfast in bed (cereal and coffee). Then I opened my presents. He got me a necklace and earrings, made me a bracelet and flowerpot and a sweet card. Then I went for a bike ride. We all headed out for lunch at the restaurant that my brother works at. After lunch, Cole had a football game. Then we went to the pool at the gym to cool off. We had a great time swimming and sliding down the water slides. What a great way to spend the day. I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Future meteorologist and random pics

We also joke that when Cole grows up he will be a meteorologist. He is fascinated with the weather and often wants to watch the weather channel, especially when there is a storm blowing through. Last night I could hear him talking while in the tub. He had bubbles spread out on the tile surround and was giving a weather forecast! He looks at me all serious and says pointing to a spot with no bubbles, "Texas is expecting a sunny day.". Then he points to where there is a large group of bubble and says, "It is going to be snowing in Alaska". He continued the forecast for the rest of the country. So cute!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cole hit the jackpot

Cole's 7th birthday was on Saturday. We had a three hour Star Wars themed party planned at our gym. In addition to pizza, cake, and presents we had planned one hour of karate and one hour of swimming. It was a great success. It was fun watching Cole's friends do karate with him. His karate teacher is so great with the kids and had really been looking forward to doing this for him. The kids seemed to really enjoy it and the hour flew by. After karate the kids enjoyed lunch and were amazed when his karate teacher cut the cake with her samurai sword. After lunch, we headed to the indoor pool. The kids got to slide on the water slide and swim for an hour. After swimming, each kid got a gift and a light saber to take home (you are welcome parents). We had a great turn-out of kids, 12 and then two bonus girls that weren't expected (not RSVPing drives me crazy - luckily we still had enough for everyone). After the party, Cole's friend came over to play for a few hours and then went to dinner with us. At dinner, Cole made sure to tell the waitress that it was his birthday and then blushed while grinning from ear-to-ear as the waitstaff sang happy birthday to him.

The celebration continued today with Easter. The "Easter Bunny" hid the eggs last night and Cole had fun searching for them this morning. My grandma was in town for Cole's birthday and wanted to go to church, so we went to church with some friends. Cole went to Sunday School and had a great time, he wants to go back. After lunch, we headed across the street to Cole's friends house for another egg hunt and then 20 dozen confetti eggs.

What a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


A funny thing happened at the last show we went to in Branson. Before the show started one of the performers came out and was talking to the audience. He was telling jokes and then asking people where they were visiting from. We were sitting at the very back of the audience, but Cole had his hand raised the entire time. Finally the guy says, "Okay, little man where are you from?" Cole answers, "Texas". The guy says, "Do you wear boots?". Cole says, "No." He says, "Does your dad wear boots?" Cole says (for the whole audience to hear), "No. My dad doesn't live with us!" People start saying, "Ahh" and chuckling nervously. The guys didn't hear Cole's reply and asked a member of the audience what Cole said and when she repeats it the announcer looks uncomfortable and mumbles something and moves on. I was laughing (mostly from embarrassment) and Cole looks at me and loudly says, "What? He doesn't live with us!" More laughter surrounds us.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ok, it's true...

I love Branson! I originally wasn't that jazzed about going. I was just happy to be going anywhere. My friend Jen W. has a young family and they love Branson, so that gave me some hope, plus they gave us some great tips on restaurants which were all fabulous. We loved it too!

Here is a quick recap of our trip, because I'm too tired to post much:

1. We stopped in Dallas before heading out of Texas at the King Tut exhibit. It was amazing to see artifacts that are 3,000+ years old.

2. On the drive up to Branson, we stopped at a Civil War battlesite in Arkansas (Pea Ridge). It was cold and rainy, but we had a great time and learned a lot.

3. Branson has a wonderful Titanic museum. My mom, Cole and I spent an evening learning even more about this ill fated ship. Cole was enthralled. The best part was that we got
boarding passes as we embarked with an actual passenger's name. At the end of the tour you got to find out the fate of your passenger. Cole was "John Jacob Astor IV", of course we already knew his fate, but he was happy when they showed him where his rooms were on the ship, etc.

4. We went to shows, almost every night. The best part is they are all family friendly. We went to an awesome magic show. Cole was actually picked out of the audience to come on stage. He was so nervous, but cute. Afterwards, we got to go backstage. It was truly a night to remember.

5. We saw several musical shows. Our favorites were Six and The Haygoods. Cole loved and by loved, I mean LOVED the Haygoods. He bought the DVD of the show and 3 CD's and had them autograph a CD cover. My little groupie! They were wonderful singers and great entertainers. The whole family had a blast.

6. Cole and I spent two days at an amusement park, too. We screamed as we rode roller coasters, dressed up for old timey photos, bought souvenirs, and shivered as we got soaked on the water rides in 55 degree weather (that kid better be glad I love him!)

7. We also played putt-putt, rode on the Duck Tours, visited a cavern, took nature walks and collected rocks, shopped and Cole made a custom remote controlled car (think Build-A-Bear for boys). We just saw and did it all!

The drive was long, but worth it. So despite my initial misgivings, we loved our trip and I would definitely go back again, plus Branson was just plain beautiful, too!

Monday, March 09, 2009

flu, flu go away!

I've never gone anywhere for Spring Break. When I was a kid, my parents always had to work. When I was a teenager, I had to work. As an adult, still had to work. Now that I have the same school schedule as Cole, I am finally off and we have a trip planned. The trip isn't as exciting as a cruise like Vetmommy has planned, but a trip none-the-less. We are going to Branson, Missouri. My parents love Branson and my friend Jen that has three young kids loves it, too. She assures me there is plenty to do and because they traveled there a lot, she has given us tons of recommendations. Cole and I are excited to be going with my parents and have a good deal planned already. In fact, we are now leaving a day early to visit the King Tut exhibit in Dallas on the way out of Texas. Only one problem...Cole has the flu!

He started with a cough last week and ran a low-grade fever all day Saturday. Saturday night his fever really spiked. He laid in bed with uncontrollable chills and a hacking cough. Sunday morning we headed to the after-hours clinic and they ran a strep and flu screen. He was positive for the flu, :-(. After a long day of a high fever and chills, he felt somewhat better today. He didn't run a fever and was just feeling run down. After dinner, his cheeks seemed rosy again and sure enough the fever was back. We'll spend another day at home and I hope he's feeling good enough to travel in a few days.

Monday, February 23, 2009

If teaching doesn't work out...there is always Vegas

I have now been subbing for two districts and work daily (thank god). I've had overwhelming good experiences and very few bad ones (last Friday). One of the great things about subbing is getting to work with a variety of grades and schools. There are some schools that are overwhelmingly friendly and just have a great atmosphere and some where you feel ignored and isolated. This is a wonderful preview for when I'm looking for a full-time position.

Now that I've have repeat classes, I've had to up my "magic" tricks. Last week, I was with a class for two days that I had taught several weeks ago. They were so excited that I was coming back. Thank god for the Internet. I googled magic tricks and came prepared to entertain. The kids were so happy.

Tomorrow, I'm back teaching Cole's class again....time to get the cards ready.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


We had a good Valentine's yesterday. I made Cole heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast and he insisted on making me breakfast, too. He made me a bowl of frosted mini-wheats with a copious amount of milk. We exchanged gifts. He got me a matching earring, necklace, bracelet set...that boy sure knows how to take care of his momma. It's nice to be loved.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

2 pics

New from the Star Wars Collection- A droid from the planet Jupiter.

Cole has lost his other top front tooth. I can't help but smile when I see this grin.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I have officially left my comfort zone

  • I'm a creature of habit... I like the routine of things. I don't venture outside of this much.
  • I am a planner... I like to know what I'm doing every day. I often have things planned well in advance.
  • I don't like to talk to strangers...I've never been good at small talk. I love my friends but always feel insecure when I meet new people.

Subbing has forced me to change of these. I know it's good for me. Lucky for me, I'm not afraid of change...well maybe a little. Here is my life as a sub. Every night I wait for a call about a job. If you miss a call you lose a job, so I pretty much remain attached to my phone. I hope for a school that is close. I get endless calls from the automated system and I decline most (high school, bilingual, middle school). After 10:00pm the automated calls stop and I hop on the computer and check for updates VERY often. If I see one I want I try to select it. Often I see the message "Another user is viewing this job. Please try again later." If it is a job that I want, I try again....and again...and again. Sometimes it works and the job is mine. If I don't find a job the night before, I wake up before 5:00am to check the computer again. At 5:00 the automated calls start again. I get in the shower and get ready, still not knowing if I'm going to work. Honestly if you aren't picky you could work every day. My problem is that I want to do a good job so I won't take a job that I will just be a baby-sitter at all day or be less than effective (bilingual). If I get a job in the morning then I have to hop onto mapquest and get directions and hope that I can get Cole on the bus and still get to the school on time.

Once at the school, I have to find the admin office and get signed in. Find the classroom, hope there are sub plans (and if there are, that they are detailed), try to find at least 1 teacher to meet and clarify any questions. Meet the kids, teach whatever grade level that I am assigned to (and pray that I understand myself what I am supposed to teach), learn the classroom routines, have the kids guide me around the unfamiliar school, manage the class, manage the time through the day, learn their dismissal routines, return the class to the way I found it, and leave detailed notes of how the day went. All of this is WAY outside of my comfort zone.

I have gotten a few jobs in advance which eases the anxiety some. I taught Kindergarten at Cole's school today for the Kinder teacher he had last year. I have another few jobs lined up at his school in the coming weeks.

The only part I don't like is not knowing where I am going to be from day-to-day. I have loved most of the grades. I taught 4th grade yesterday and had a blast. I was bummed because they asked me to return the next day, but I had the Kinder job already lined up. I actually love the older grades which I used to be afraid of. I learned a simple magic card trick that I open with and promise to teach at the end of the day if they all stay on task throughout the day. It is amazing how much that motivates the older kids. I bring a few of my favorite books to read and several time-filler activities. Another bonus is that when the kids only see you for a day, you remain fresh and exciting. It's a great learning opportunity and I'm trying to value it for that. I just hope that I can value it for the remaining months of the school year and move onto something more permanent in the fall.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ms. Mom

I have now officially been paid to teach...twice (well sort of-I don't get my first check until the end of Feb.)! Yeah for me. On Friday, I got my first call to substitute (at 4:30 am, no less). I had gotten several calls to teach from the automated system. Most were for high school, which I declined. I'm not that desperate yet. Several were for both bilingual and special ed combined. I will try one, but not both together. Yikes!

The job I took Friday morning was on the not so good part of town at a rough school. While I was waiting to sign-in that morning another sub said good luck. She said that the teacher I was working for in 5th grade was known as the "mean teacher" and therefore had some of the worse kids. Overall, the day didn't go so bad. The kids have a rough life, makes me even more thankful of my own. Mostly I was sad just thinking that most of them won't have a chance to make something of themselves. I was firm but fun and we got through all the lessons without any major behavior problems. It's funny how within the first few minutes of class, you'll have the problem kids names memorized!

Last night, Cole's teacher called me to sub for her today. Cole was thrilled! We had to talk about some guidelines of how things would be different when I was his teacher vs. his mom helping in a class. Last night my mom was telling him that he'd have to act differently and he looked at her and said, "Granny, you can't undo my mom. She's always my mom." His class is very lively and we had fun today. Inauguration was a great day to sub on because there was a lot to talk about and learn. The only downfall was that I was sick all weekend, so I was still run down today. It's hard to be sick and be in charge of 20 1st graders. Cole survived with me as his teacher, they only problem we had was his disappointment if I didn't call on him first. Otherwise, it went well. He was happy to stay and help me clean up at the end of the day and really wants me to work at his school every day. We'll see.

Tomorrow, I'm helping on the class field trip. Then I'll need to find jobs for the rest of the week. Hope there are more fun stories!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Too young for a face lift?

Cole found this Ace bandage the other day and he has had several "injuries" since. He slept with it one night on his arm, in the morning it moved to his ankle, then wrist, foot, etc. Last night I checked on him before I went to bed and I could see something sticking up on his head. I grabbed a flashlight and climbed the ladder to his bed and then nearly fell off laughing my butt off. Tonight?? His "spleen" hurt. LOL!

Other news: I went to sub orientation for the Austin school district on Monday. I should be working by Friday. I'm happy to finally start working. I'm spending this week in Cole's class which has been fun. Yeah for employment!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Winter Break

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this winter break with Cole. We had a great time. Since I have always had non-teaching jobs any time off of school for him just meant after-school care. Not this time. We kept busy every day and had a great time. We went to several movies:Marly & Me(I cried...such a sap), Bedtime Stories (I didn't cry, but as soon as the credits rolled, Cole asked if I cried), and Tale of Despereaux. I even went to the movies with my mom and saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (I loved it and cried). Cole and I went ice skating, to the gym, Gatti Town, and just hung out at home. We played endless rounds of Wii until I thought my arms were going to fall off. It was a blast. I'm going to love that about teaching, the time off together!

Waiting to sub is FRUSTRATING! The districts aren't in a hurry and they were also off for winter break which meant my paperwork was sitting on someones' desk for weeks. I'm trying to be patient but the downtime is killing me...Oh that and my car. On Friday, my starter went out...lucky me!

I'm just going to keep on being persistent and hopefully will be working soon. If not, I'll going to adopt a cute dog that does tricks and take him panhandling on the streets. :-)

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Hello 2009

It's officially 2009. While I've made no resolutions, I will continue to take care of myself and be open to the possibilities in my life. Cole made a few resolutions of his own:
  • To flush the toilet every time
  • To never peek in the girls bathroom
  • To read to me every night

And my personal favorite...

  • to never cut down a tree that is leaning towards the house

Happy New Year!