Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cole hit the jackpot

Cole's 7th birthday was on Saturday. We had a three hour Star Wars themed party planned at our gym. In addition to pizza, cake, and presents we had planned one hour of karate and one hour of swimming. It was a great success. It was fun watching Cole's friends do karate with him. His karate teacher is so great with the kids and had really been looking forward to doing this for him. The kids seemed to really enjoy it and the hour flew by. After karate the kids enjoyed lunch and were amazed when his karate teacher cut the cake with her samurai sword. After lunch, we headed to the indoor pool. The kids got to slide on the water slide and swim for an hour. After swimming, each kid got a gift and a light saber to take home (you are welcome parents). We had a great turn-out of kids, 12 and then two bonus girls that weren't expected (not RSVPing drives me crazy - luckily we still had enough for everyone). After the party, Cole's friend came over to play for a few hours and then went to dinner with us. At dinner, Cole made sure to tell the waitress that it was his birthday and then blushed while grinning from ear-to-ear as the waitstaff sang happy birthday to him.

The celebration continued today with Easter. The "Easter Bunny" hid the eggs last night and Cole had fun searching for them this morning. My grandma was in town for Cole's birthday and wanted to go to church, so we went to church with some friends. Cole went to Sunday School and had a great time, he wants to go back. After lunch, we headed across the street to Cole's friends house for another egg hunt and then 20 dozen confetti eggs.

What a wonderful weekend!


Vetmommy said...

Happy B-day Colebug! Seems like yesterday when you were born. Glad you had a happy Star Wars/Karate/Swim party. Your mom is so awesome.

Leah said...

I am sorry that I missed his birthday. It looks like he had so much fun. Miss you guys...