Monday, June 19, 2006

Today, is Father's Day. We spent the day with my family. I had Cole call Randy (very big of me, I thought). The first time he didn't answer or call back. We haven't heard from him since he left (so much for the Sunday/Wednesday phone calls, he promised, I'm soo surprised...not). I was never sure, he had made it to New York, just assumed. We finally reached him around 8pm. What did Cole have to say? "Happy Dad's Day in New York", "here is the phone mom". Randy said that he'd been meaning to call. He's been working odd jobs all week long. I didn't bother to ask about the child support he hasn't bothered to pay yet, because it would be all lies anyway. So, there you go. He's moved and moved on, without a second thought of how I'll support our son. ANYWAY....we are leaving for HOOO-WHY-EE in 5 days, so only good thoughts.

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