Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Out of sight, out of mind...well not exactly

After work, Cole and went to Wallyworld so I could get an oil change and do some quick shopping. One of the things I was looking for was a bill organizer. I found what I was looking for. After we got home, I started trying to decide where to put it. I pay all of my bills on-line so the natural place would be beside the computer. However, the computer is in Cole's room and is used by my brother and his friends. Not that I think they'd be interested, but it's my personal business and contains personal info. I nixed that idea. Well, that pretty much left somewhere in my room to hang it. I sat on bed and looked around. Only one problem with that idea. I already have insomnia. I don't think laying on my bed and looking at the bills to be paid will help with that any. Besides credit card statements and utility bills aren't exactly the ambiance I was going for in my room. So I moved onto my bathroom. A even stranger place to hang a bill organizer. However, my file cabinet is in my closet in the bathroom, so it makes some sense. But, still it wasn't exactly something I wanted to look at every time I stepped through the bathroom door. So, I finally decided to hang it on the wall behind the bathroom door. Having a four-year old, three cats, and a dog I rarely if ever can close the bathroom door anyway. So, it's pretty much out of sight, out of mind, right? Well, almost. Yes, this very insignificant decision took me at least 30 minutes to make. It is a wonder I ever get anything done.

1 comment:

Leah said...

It just shows that there really is no right place in our life for these crazy little things we called bills.