Wednesday, August 23, 2006


It’s sucks that I needed a kick in the rear to reverse my attitude about my current situation. I got that kick last night. I found that my friend’s brother and sister-in-law’s four year old daughter was just diagnosed with leukemia. Kelly was pregnant with Haley the same time that I was pregnant with Cole. She came and visited me shortly after I had Cole to ask questions about labor and having a newborn. I felt like I was punched in the stomach when I heard the news and it isn’t even my child. I can’t even begin to imagine how they are feeling. Cancer is such a scary word, but even worse when it is applied to a child.

Something happening to Cole is my worst nightmare. The thought of him being sick is frightening. I am always worried that something devastating will happen. I’ve been so busy saying “Whoa, is me.” I should be thankful that we are both happy and healthy and have a safe roof over our head.

It seems like most people I know are constantly whining and focus on what they can’t or don’t have instead of being appreciative of what they do have.

So last night, I hugged Cole a little bit harder and longer, gave him and extra kiss and said a prayer of thanks that we are doing alright. I hope that Haley responds well to treatment and goes on to having a great childhood. I made a promise to myself to cherish what I do have, because it’s true that it could always be worse.


Vetmommy said...

Man, that'll give you perspective! It is so tragic and unfair when children get such horrible diseases.

Leah said...

Give Cole E a kiss and a hug from me...even if he doesn't want one from me...Thanks

Anonymous said...

I have a friend going through the same thing with his child. It is scarey, but there is support out there for the parents. If you want to read something heartwrenching-- because of course, everyone does!--go to
Read his story. Prepare yourself for being there for your friend.