Monday, April 10, 2006

Happy birthday!

Cole’s first official birthday party went very well. We had a good turnout and the kids had a blast with the train tracks. Cole got so many presents; I don’t know what we are going to do with all his stuff (time to donate). Cole was very sweet and thanked each kid as he opened the gift, while proudly holding the present over his head to show everyone. Everyone had a good time.

Tomorrow is Cole’s “actual” birthday. (He loves the word actual, “Oohh, an actual knife, it actually cuts, etc.” I can’t believe he is already four. It seems like just yesterday he was my “baby” (although, he always will be even when he’s fifty). He has gotten so big, almost it seems, overnight. He is so articulate, funny, loving, stubborn, bossy (don’t know where he gets that) and just a blast to be around. It seems like everyday, he has new phrases like, “I TOLD you” (said in the child sing-songy tone), followed by a hug and “I love you, Mommy”. For his “actual” birthday, I am bringing cupcakes to school and we are going to dinner with Granny and Papa. I have the only four-year-old that wants steak and potato for his birthday (for every meal for that matter) and then we will come home and open his last remaining gifts and have cake (again).

I’m going to make a promise to myself to cherish each day because he is growing up so very fast and I don’t want to forget a single moment (okay, maybe I’d like to forget a few). Happy 4th birthday, Cole Bug!


Leah said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLE!!!!..I hope you enjoy your "Ghetto Remote Control Hummer". EAT LOTS OF CAKE FOR ME

Vetmommy said...

Happy Birthday to Cole, and to his wonderful Mom! I never realized how important birthdays are for moms until I was one. I hope you had a glass of wine and a cupcake to celebrate your mommyhood, too.