Thursday, November 29, 2007

Last Day :-(

Today was my last day with the Kindergarten class. I can't believe the semester went by so fast. The kids made a cute book for me, they colored pictures of me and them and wrote a few sentences of things we did in class together. I know I will always treasure that book. I ate lunch with them in the cafeteria and had made them each a gift bag. At the end of the day after some tears and hugs, I said my final goodbye.

During Christmas break I'm going to volunteer in Cole's class on Thursday so at least I'll still get my Kindergarten fix.


Leah said...

I bet it was a very sad day. I am sure that they will always remember you.

Joey said...

That's really good that you got attached and emotional. I think that means you'll be a great teacher because you CARE. What a great future you have to look forward to. I still remember ALL of my elementary school teachers and the impact they made on my life. You will fill a very important role and touch so many lives in ways that you can't imagine.