Saturday, June 16, 2007

per·fect (pûr'fĭkt)


1. Lacking nothing essential to the whole; complete of its nature or kind.
2. Being without defect or blemish: a perfect specimen.
3. Thoroughly skilled or talented in a certain field or area; proficient.
4. Completely suited for a particular purpose or situation: She was the perfect actress for the part.
5. Completely corresponding to a description, standard, or type.

There is a mom at my son’s daycare that puts me to shame. Every time I’m in her presence I feel like rumpled, fat, street urchin. She is the “perfect” looking mom. Her makeup is perfection. There is never a hair out of place, never a root that needs touch-up. She is model skinny. Her clothes are expensive and modern. I have never seen her in shoes other than stiletto high heels. And damn, I don’t hate her….she’s nice too. We have attended several of the same birthday parties, in fact she brought her son to Cole’s last birthday. I have even ran into her at the grocery store on the weekend and she is still well put together. I find myself wondering, does this perfection come easily? Or does she have to work at it? Has she always been perfect? Does perfection come at at cost (okay, now I'm just being petty)? Just once in my life, I would like to feel that self-confidence she must feel (I was almost there for a very brief moment as I was crossing that finish line at the Danskin, but then I saw the photographer and the insecurities came flooding back). Sigh….

She does have one blemish though, in a world of increased awareness about global warming and skyrocketing gas prices she just traded in her SUV for a …..HUMMER! See, I feel better already, nobody is perfect :-)


Vetmommy said...

Man, I do NOT understand that at all! Hummers are outrageous! She may be nice and put-together, but she is more concerned about outward appearances than anything else is she chooses that VEHICLE!

Leah said...

Kareen, you are a very beautiful woman. Not only are you beautiful on the outside but you are very beautiful on the inside as well. I know very sappy. Oh keep in mind NO ONE is perfect except for me. When you start feeling bad..think about that feeling you had as you crossed that finish line. Thats what I do. It was a great feeling wasn't it?

Dana said...

I have a favorite quote from a book that I have actually printed and framed. It hangs above my desk at home. It reads:
"Perfection is the natural consequence of eternity: wiat long enough, and anything will realize its potential".
She really must go through hell to look like that every day. I don't think hell is worth going through just to look good.

Dana said...

Okay...that's wait, not wiat.