Monday, October 01, 2007

Inappropriate behavior

Today Cole had a purple note in his folder from a cafeteria worker. It reads:


Cole's behavior was inappropriate and required adult intervention. He was using his empty lunch box for a hat in the cafeteria.

An empty lunch box as a hat??? I would have ripped that sucker off his head, tossed him on the floor in a headlock, and......tickled him like crazy for being funny. Come on people, if that is the worse thing he does this school year, I will personally wear a lunchbox for a hat for an entire day at work. Some say "inappropriate" others say "creative". Now before all you angry cafeteria supervisors comment on my blog, I know that you don't have a fun tasks supervising 5 year olds eating lunch, but good grief.

The funniest part was when I asked Cole about it he said, "Mom she yelled at me and then said in a mad voice that I was getting a 'red flag' for that. But all she gave me was a purple piece of paper." He was sad the "flag" was neither red nor a real flag! I have half a mind to send a note back that says:


The cafeteria volunteer's "red flag" was neither red nor a flag. It required adult intervention to explain that by "red flag" you actually meant a purple piece of cardboard stock paper. This was very confusing to my deviant five- year-old. In the future when my hooligan is misbehaving tell him "you are getting a purple piece of paper!" At least then he will understand that what he did was bad, very, very bad!


Joey said...

You are too clever. I love your "attention" note back to the cafeteria supervisors. Hilarious. Good grief, I guess 5-yr olds are no longer allowed to be 5-yr olds anymore. So much for make believe and having fun. But then again, I can see how this could cause a problem. Before you know it EVERYONE could be wearing their lunch boxes on their heads. And everyone knows that's just the gateway to lying and stealing, oh my.

Vetmommy said...

Good grief is right! I like going to Anna's school, but I'm always a little saddened by how much they encourage conformity and reticence.

There are always some teachers, cafeteria workers, etc, who obviously get way too much enjoyment out of lording their authority.

Leah said...

TOO FUNNY...Kareen your ARE crack me up.

Anne B said...

you just made my day