Saturday, September 01, 2007

What would Freud say?

Cole’s first week of school has been great. He really loves it so far. He even wants to bring flowers to his teacher already (what a charmer). His progress report for the week was great and he was eager to get up every morning. He still says his favorite part of school is riding the bus!

Two of the drawing projects this week involved drawing. The first assignment they were asked to draw their family. Cole drew himself, my mom, my dad and me. For the second assignment they were asked to draw their parents. Cole drew himself and me correctly. He drew his dad upside down. We were all on a school bus. Cole was driving. I was sitting in right side up and his dad was sitting behind me. His head was down on the seat and stick legs up in the air. Surely this means something?

One thing they stress in school for teachers is to never say specifically draw or tell me about your mom, dad, etc. So many kids are raised by single parents, same sex parents, grandparents, relatives, foster parents, etc. that you don't want to unintentionally upset someone by assuming that everyone comes from a traditional household.

I've already started a file to save all of Cole's Kindergarten work. What wonderful memories and great things for me to look back on when I'm teaching my own class, as well.


Joey said...

That's wonderful that Cole enjoys school so much. Fascinating about the drawing. Actually, I'm surprised he drew his dad in the picture at all.

Leah said...

I am glad that Cole E Bug is really enjoying school. He is a little charmer. I too think that drawing his dad upside down means for DONE

Alissa said...

After Dan and I got married, his parents gave us about 10 large boxes. They saved everything of his from school, toys, etc. We spent hours looking through his old schoolwork and drawings, etc. It was quite fun and we had some good laughs. I am glad that Cole likes school so much- that makes it even more fun. His Dad upside down is pretty funny, I have my own thought on what it means, but I am not sure I can post it.

Vetmommy said...

Yeah, nothing much gets past Cole, eh? I'm glad his first week of his school career was a success!

Emily said...

very interesting...